Monday, May 20, 2013

Is it Possible to Gain Muscle and Lose Weight at the Time?

Is it possible to loose weight and gain muscle at the same time while not eating many carbs?

Is it possible; yes! Is it easy; no. And it relies on you being very precise with your knowledge of your daily caloric and macro intake and needs as well as your basal metabolic rate and calorie expenditures.

In essence, you can take advantage of the anabolic window in the few hours during and after your workout (think both fast acting carbs and protein) and minimize catabolism during the rest of the day (think higher protein and positive nitrogen balance along with good fats) when you're adhering to a very slight calorie deficit.

It requires intimate knowledge and tracking of your own numbers and the discipline to carry it through

I am finding that the narrow window I describe does get smaller each year. But at age 56, with over 40 years of working out under my belt, I am still gaining a pound or two of quality muscle, per year, while staying within 5 pounds of contest weight. When I do decide to peak to step on stage, the lean mass does not diminish, but it does take me a full 10 weeks to take off that 5 pounds.

What's more, I stay strong the whole time, never feeling the depletion and emotional toll that many do, pre-contest.

FYI, the demands and scheduling of my other competitive athletic pursuits do not allow me to do either a full-on bulk, nor a traditional pre-contest diet.

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