Friday, November 22, 2013

Can You Recommend any Natural Sleep Aids?

Quality sleep is absolutely vital for both mental and physical health.  As far as your workouts go, poor sleep will definitely prevent you from making optimal gains.  Assuming your evening habits are conducive to sleep and you have exhausted behavioral remedies, I'd recommend looking at 5 different products, each of which I have used with varying degrees of success.

The first is Valerian Root.  This has been used for centuries as a sleep aid and many folks highly recommend it.  Follow label dosage instructions and make sure you purchase from a reputable herbalist, as many herbal remedies either have contaminants or lack any of the supposed label ingredients.  I have tried Valerian root on occasion, but have not experienced any results.

Second, is Tryptophan, an essential amino acid, that has sometimes been shown to be an effective sleep aid when used as a supplement.  This is the ingredient that supposedly makes you fall asleep after eating turkey on Thanksgiving. It effects serotonin level in the brain. Some report very good results but it has never done anything for me. Follow dosage instructions on the label.

Third, is 5-HTP. This also effects neuro-transmitters in the brain and has shown effectiveness as both an anti-depressant and as a sleep aid.  It is widely used in Europe and I have used it with some success over the years.  I normally use it for no longer than 3-4 weeks at a time, as it actually starts to disrupt my sleep after a certain period of time.  Again, follow dosage recommendations on the label.

Fourth, is Melatonin a hormone that plays a role in circadian rhythms.  This product is especially useful to older individuals as natural levels tend to drop off dramatically after age 50.  I have used it with some success and my wife swears by it.  Fol ow label dosage.

Lastly, is ZMA an amalgamation of zinc and magnesium that was first produced by the BALCO labs, the same guys that were involved in the Barry Bonds "juicing" scandal.  I find this product to be extremely effective but it does have one significant side effect which causes some to not or stop using it.  It causes very long and vivid dreams.  To mitigate this, I reduce my dosage to either 1/3 or 2/3 of the label recommendation. It still works, but the extent of the vivid dreaming is reduced.

Each of these are worth a try, if you're sleeping is not right.  Don't mix any of them and if you have no success after trying each for 2-3 weeks in succession, you might want to consult a sleep specialist.


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