Why is a leg press machine no good?
I've heard this, but why? Especially if you don't particularly enjoy squats
Contrary to the assumption in your question, the leg press, in all of it's many varieties, is an excellent piece of equipment, facilitating gains in strength, muscle endurance, and muscle growths, depending on how it's employed. In fact, for many people, myself included, it is the primary and most effective tool for leg development.
Make no mistake, when used correctly, the leg press can stimulate the leg muscles just as effectively as the squat, sometimes even more so. This is true especially when individual bio-mechanics or injury prevent the effective employment of the several varieties of squats.
While squats do require more muscles to be involved in the movement and significantly more overall coordinated muscle synchronization and tension, and are hence a more athletic movement, the leg press can be used to more precisely target specific aspects of leg development with foot placement, variable depth of movement, and rep cadence and count.
I worked out at home for over 20 years, using various forms of squatting as my prime (almost exclusive) leg movement and developed some size and strength. It wasn't until I started using the various leg press machines at a commercial gym that my leg development really started improving.
I won't say this is true for everyone and truly, for most, the squat is "king." Still, don't discount the leg pres. Even if you don't find it to be better than the squat, for you, you will likely find that it greatly augments and compliments your squatting.
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